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JWT - JSON Web Token

Use the Certficate Manager service to obtain the application JWT for accessing the MQTT server for notifications. In order to use this service, you must first obtain an access token with your application key and secret. Click here for further details on getting started.

Please note that the JWT retrieved from this api will be valid for 2 years. Obtain a new JWT before it expires.


Request URIs

POST /v1/flightUpdate/credentials/{authType}/{clientID}/{authGroups}
authType - Authorization Type, which can be JWT or certificates. As of now API supports only JWT.
clientID - Unique string to identify Clients. This will be the first part of the MqttClientID that will be generated as part of the response.
authGroups - Authorization Group IDs to grant permissions to subscribe or publish to topics. use flupSubTopic for flight update notifications


Request Examples

POST /v1/flightUpdate/credentials/JWT/test/flupSubTopic

Response Structure Definition

CertificateManagementResourceRoot Resource
. CertificateManagement

.. javaWebToken Your JWT - java web token
..clientID clientID from request is appended with ( _ and ) unique number to identify user. This is the Mqtt clientID that needs to be used while connecting to mqtt broker.
.. endpoint MQTT Broker Address

Response Example

Code snippet: JSON

			"javaWebToken": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE2Mzc1Njc5ODIsImNsaWVudElEIjoibm90aWZpY2F0aW9uVG9NUVRUIiwiY3JlYXRlZCI6MTU3NDQwOTU4MiwiYXV0aEdyb3VwcyI6ImZsdXBQdWJUb3BpYztmbHVwU3ViVG9waWMifQ.BCxHoU_KD5ZZhgLpfOdqdjbuAJ-suGZsKpi5GbS0U6W8NbGLEDF9PNtpF2cTl-5puZJSMCkCZ_oVd2bw8wlKqIhd5rsaufNpS9x1xvPxBqn-CFH4GROrgWxWDZC2zW3i32wGA6CVQKJngJokh0l6tRUqblaIsMo5B4TIGdSCfDachvr_OTgyHtVHFrPer2YfVxmy6dixsjVzQLcnc3ZpsO3YUMOr1Itzf7gEiUIMgJS8ihgrMkrkzKjzVfnelvyx51FrgMoK4hFh7DZlyNu1aNop0_NZG87q6Wd-sfm9uX1u0PISArXUIdxV0R9jIrLS7Ya6hAjDMCKBoN8OVkxLcw",
             		"clientID": "test_241130757",
 			"endpoint": "lhgopenapi.lufthansa.com"        

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