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Fare Response

Fares are visible within the OffersGroup section. Within this section you will find AirlineOffers per carrier catalogue. A fare will be shown as an offer and will include the total fare charge as well as the fare per passenger type (e.g. Adult, Child etc ). Within each offer we also provide a deep link to the airlines' booking portal.

An offer contains both fare charges and flight segment information. Each offer contains a reference to the applicable flights for that offer. Within ApplicableFlights the FlightSegmentReference element holds the reference and links to the SegmentKey within DataLists\FlightSegmentList.

Please be aware, that the currency of the offer is determined by your origin airport/city and the respective country e.g.: Origin HND - Tokyo - will result in a YEN based response offer. 

The structure of the response is shown below:

Response Structure Definition

Key Description
LowestFaresResponse Root element of the fares response.
.AirShoppingRS Element contains the main body of the response
..Document Contains message response reference data
...MessageVersion Message version
...CreateTime Response message creation time
..AirShoppingRSProcessing Contains message status data
...Status Message status
..ShoppingResponseIDs Contains shopping response ID
...ResponseID Shopping response ID
..OffersGroup Element contains the Airline Offers
...AirlineOffers Airline Offers are held in this element
....TotalOfferQuantity Total number of returned airline offers
....AirlineOfferSnapshot Fare store reference information
.....DateTime Time stamp of fare store data
....Owner Fare store owner
....AirlineOffer Holds the airline offers
.....OfferID [ ] Array containg each airline offer
......Owner Holds the airline owner of the fares data
......Text Cotntains the OfferID reference number
.....TotalPrice Element holds the offer total fare information
......DetailCurrencyPrice Contains Currency Details for the offer
.......Total Total Fare
........Code Total Fare currency code, e.g EUR, encoding schema ISO 4217 (three alpha characters)
........Text Total fare amount
.......Taxes Holds the total tax charges which apply to the fare
........Total Holds Total tax information
.........Code Total tax currency code, e.g EUR, encoding schema ISO 4217 (three alpha characters)
.........Text Total tax amount
.....PricedOffer Fare information is contained within this element

The OfferPrice element holds one or more offerItems. Each offerItem relates to the fare for a passenger type

e.g Adult, Child or Infant fare

.......OfferItemID [ ] Contans the reference number of the respective offer item
.......RequestedDate Holds the fare price for the requested date.
........PriceDetail Element contains detailed price information, including total amount, base fare amount and other details
.........TotalAmount Holds total fare amount of a single passenger of this type (e.g. Adult, Child etc. )
..........SimpleCurrencyPrice details of the fare price currency - The currency is determined by the country of the origin airport! 
...........Code Currency Code, Example EUR, encoding schema ISO 4217 (three alpha character)
...........Text Fare amount
.........BaseAmount Total base fare amount, this includes surcharges if applicable
..........Code Currency code, e.g EUR encoding schema ISO 4217 (three alpha characters)
..........Text Total base amount
.........Taxes Tax Information
..........Total Tax breakdwon sub-total amount
...........Code Currency code
...........Text Total tax
........Associations Fare offer associations
.........AssociatedTraveler Includes anonymous known and or PTC Traveler assocation
..........TravelerReference Traveler reference
.......FareDetail Fare detail for the offer
........FareComponent Fare component per O&D is provided
.........AirlineID Airline providing the offer
.........DepartureCode Departure City or Airport
.........DepartureDate Depature Date
.........ArrivalCode Arrival City or Airport
..........FareBasis Contains fare related data
...........FareBasisCode Holds the fare basis code
............Code Contains the fare basis code
......Associations Provides offer related information
.......ApplicableFlight Applicable flights for the fare.
.......FlightSegmentReference Holds the flight segment reference.Association to single flight segment instance(s) Example: Segement 1
........Ref [ ] Contains the flight segment reference. This references to a flight segment within the DataLists section
........ClassOfService Holds class of service information
.........Code Class of service code
..........SeatsLeft Indicates how many seats are still available in this class of service
..........Text Class of service code: one letter code. Example 'F' for first class, 'C' for business
.........MarketingName Cabin Class marketing name e.g Premium Economy, Econonmy Server, Business Flex etc
.......OtherAssociation Other detail assocation
........Type Type of reference = deep link
........ReferenceValue Contains the deep link for this offer
..DataLists Data Lists
...AnonymousTravelerList Anonymous Traveler data list definition
....AnonymousTraveler Anonymous Traveler
.....ObjectKey Object globally unique instance ID
.....PTC Passenger type code
......Quantity Traveler quantity
......Text Holds the value for the passenger type code: ADT=Adult, CHD=Child, INF=Infant
...FlightSegmentList List of flight segments
....FlightSegment Flight segment information. Contains details of flight segments
.....SegmentKey A globally unique identifier for the flight segment. The SegmentKey relates to flights that are referenced within the offer
.....Departure Departure origin airport
......AirportCode Departure airport location code e.g CGN
......Date Departure date. Example 2016-08-02
......Time Departure time. Example 09:15
.....Arrival Arrival (destination) airport
......AirportCode Arrival airport location code e.g ZRH
......Date Arrival date Example 2016-08-21
......Time Arrival time. Exampe 10:30
.....MarketingCarrier Marketing carrier information
......AirlineID Airline designator ID. Example LH, encoding scheme IATA/A4A (two or three character) airline designator code
......FlightNumber Flight number. Example '400', or OPEN or ARNK
.Meta Element containing meta data
..Version version number
..Link Element specifying links
...Href link to actual resource
...Rel Specifying kind of link such as ‘self’ (link that returned this response), ‘alternate’ (link that points to another resource) or ‘related’ (link that points to related resource).

Response Example

Code snippet: XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <AirlineOfferSnapshot DateTime="2016-10-01T00:06:18.000-00:00"/>
          <OfferID Owner="4U">e2ad3a17-808a-4c02-9a63-1d4a5275beac</OfferID>
              <Total Code="EUR">279.57</Total>
                <Total Code="EUR">0</Total>
            <OfferPrice OfferItemID="1015cc42-d6e5-4330-9d20-eb4fc4825997">
                    <SimpleCurrencyPrice Code="EUR">89.99</SimpleCurrencyPrice>
                  <BaseAmount Code="EUR">89.99</BaseAmount>
                    <Total Code="EUR">0</Total>
            <OfferPrice OfferItemID="f5966748-674d-4d92-9994-20c7d06ad743">
                    <SimpleCurrencyPrice Code="EUR">71.99</SimpleCurrencyPrice>
                  <BaseAmount Code="EUR">71.99</BaseAmount>
                    <Total Code="EUR">0</Total>
                    <TravelerReferences>84d6ea12-8ec7-4482-a25d-038261afbd35_ADT 697441c1-e425-416e-aacd-9860e9e8e2a1_CHD</TravelerReferences>
            <OfferPrice OfferItemID="f0e0d85b-279a-4c03-955c-8a7e93de9f8e">
                    <SimpleCurrencyPrice Code="EUR">27.60</SimpleCurrencyPrice>
                  <BaseAmount Code="EUR">27.60</BaseAmount>
                    <Total Code="EUR">0</Total>
                    <TravelerReferences>84d6ea12-8ec7-4482-a25d-038261afbd35_ADT 697441c1-e425-416e-aacd-9860e9e8e2a1_CHD adb8e6b8-0f5d-4830-b4b4-06603c380f01_INF</TravelerReferences>
                <FlightSegmentReference ref="1d99b798-1f9e-4624-9350-ad2fa89bf564_SEGEW9063">
                    <Code SeatsLeft="46">L</Code>
                <FlightSegmentReference ref="01b94f22-3237-4533-b7cf-1f3298dfe4c4_SEG4U9394">
                    <Code SeatsLeft="46">L</Code>
                  <Type>deep link</Type>
        <AnonymousTraveler ObjectKey="84d6ea12-8ec7-4482-a25d-038261afbd35_ADT">
          <PTC Quantity="2">ADT</PTC>
        <AnonymousTraveler ObjectKey="697441c1-e425-416e-aacd-9860e9e8e2a1_CHD">
          <PTC Quantity="1">CHD</PTC>
        <AnonymousTraveler ObjectKey="adb8e6b8-0f5d-4830-b4b4-06603c380f01_INF">
          <PTC Quantity="1">INF</PTC>
        <FlightSegment SegmentKey="1d99b798-1f9e-4624-9350-ad2fa89bf564_SEGEW9063">
        <FlightSegment SegmentKey="01b94f22-3237-4533-b7cf-1f3298dfe4c4_SEG4U9394">
  <Meta Version="1.0.0">
    <Link Href="https://api-test.lufthansa.com/v1/offers/fares?catalogues=4U&carriers=4U&fare-family=BASIC&origin=NUE&destination=DUB&travel-date=2017-05-05&cabin-class=Economy&travelers=(adult=2;child=1;infant=1)" Rel="self"/>

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