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Subscribe to a Topic

Please note that it is only possible to subscribe to publicly available Lufthansa topics, such as “flightupdate”. Message publishing is not supported.

1)Go to the “subscribe” Tab and subscribe to any available topics:

A topic is a UTF-8 string, which is used by MQTT Broker to filter messages for each connected client. Each topic level is separated with a forward slash “/”.

Example: prd/FlightUpdate/LH/LH400/2016-06-29

You can use the following two wild cards for a subscription query:

Wild card Description
+ single level wildcard is a substitution for one topic level
# multi level wildcard is a substitution for multiple topic levels, a multi-level wildcard can only be used as the last character of a topic


The Flightstatus topic is organized the following way: prd/FlightUpdate/<operating carrier code>/<operating carrier code><flight number>/<flight date>

By subscribing to: prd/FlightUpdate/LH/+/2016-06-29/# you will receive all Lufthansa flights with any flight number having a departure date of “2016-06-29”.

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