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HTTP request headers

HTTP Method

The method, or verb, describes what action to perform on the resource. Not all actions are supported for all resources.

Method Applied to Collections Applied to individual members of a collection
GET Retrieve a list of identifying information for each member of the set. Retrieve detailed information about the selected member of the set.
PUT Not supported for collections. Update a single, uniquely-identified member of the collection.
POST Create one or more new members in the collection and give each a unique identifier. Not supported; new members must always be created by posting to the collection
DELETE Delete every member of the collection. Delete a single, uniquely-identified member of the collection.

HTTP headers

Auxilliary information is transported in HTTP headers.

HTTP header Possible values Effect
Authorization Bearer <token> Identifies your application to our API. Note that the whole string is case-sensitive and that 'Bearer' must have a capital first letter.
Accept application/json
Controls what type of payload you will receive in the response. Only application/json and application/xml are supported.


With PUT and POST requests you can define the media (MIME) type of the payload. Only application/json and application/xml are supported.

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