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Customer Flight Information at Arrival Airport

Retrieve the status of all flights arriving at a specific airport within a given time range which is set to 4 hours by default starting from time value quoted within fromDateTime input parameter.
The permitted range for flights returned is from yesterday until 5 days in the future in 4 hours ranges. At most 80 flights will be returned.

Various metalinks can be used to switch to previousRange 4 hours period or nextRange 4 hours period.

Request URI

Code snippet: Call

GET /operations/customerflightinformation/arrivals/{airportCode}/{fromDateTime}
{airportCode} Retrieve the status of flights arriving at this airport. 3 letter IATA airport code, e.g. “FRA”
{fromDateTime} Retrieve flights arriving after this time. yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm
limit query parameter: The number of items to return (page size) integer (max 100)
offset query parameter: The index of the item with which this result set should begin integer

Example Request

Code snippet: Call

GET /operations/customerflightinformation/arrivals/FRA/2018-12-20T08:00?limit=40&offset=20

Response Structure

Please see Flight Information Response

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