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Flight Schedules

Retrieve a list of all possible flights (both direct and connecting) between two airports on a given date. Schedules are available for today and up to 360 days in the future.

Request URI

Code snippet: Call

GET /operations/schedules/{origin}/{destination}/{fromDateTime}[?directFlights=true]
Variable Description Format
{origin} Departure airport. 3-letter IATA airport code, e.g. “FRA”.
{destination} Arrival airport. 3-letter IATA airport code
{fromDateTime} Departure date in the local time of the departure airport.
Time is optional; the results will then include flights departing at most 1
hour before this time.
directFlights Optional to select only direct flights and exclude connections. Boolean (true/false).

Request Examples

Code snippet: Call

GET /operations/schedules/FRA/JFK/2019-07-15
GET /operations/schedules/FRA/JFK/2019-07-15T14:30
GET /operations/schedules/FRA/JFK/2019-07-15?directFlights=true

Response Structure

Key Description
ScheduleResource Root element of the schedule response.
.Schedule[] Element listing one or more flights which complete the journey from origin to destination.
..TotalJourney Time of the total journey from origin to destination.
...Duration Actual duration:
Format: P[n]nDT[n]nH[n]nM.

Sample with hours and minutes only: PT19H45M.

Key Description
P identifier, saying it is duration information
T indicating time follows after
19 number of hours, without leading zero if one digit only
H indicating hours
45 number of minutes, without leading zero if one digit only
M indicating minutes

Sample with days, hours and minutes: P1DT19H45M.

Key Description
P identifier, saying it is a duration information
1 number of days
D indicating days
T indicating time follows after
19 number of hours, without leading zero if one digit only
H indicating hours
45 number of minutes, without leading zero if one digit only
M indicating minutes
..Flight[] or ..Flight Defining a flight from A to B which may only be one leg of a multi-leg flight. ( in case of single flight in response, "Flight" is object , not array )
...Departure Describing details of the origin airport.
....AirportCode 3-letter IATA airport code of the place of origin.
....ScheduledTimeLocal Scheduled local time of departure from origin.
.....DateTime Scheduled time of departure:
Format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm.

Sample: 2014-12-03T13:50.

Key Description
2014 year
12 month of the year, always two digits
03 day of month, always 2 digits
T indicating time follows after
13 hour in 24 hrs format
50 minutes of the hour
....Terminal Terminal of where flight is departing from.
.....Name Name of terminal where flight is departing from.
...Arrival Describing details of the destination of the flight.
....AirportCode 3-letter IATA airport code of the place of destination.
....ScheduledTimeLocal Scheduled local time of arrival at destination.
.....DateTime Scheduled time of arrival format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm.
....Terminal Terminal of where fight is arriving at.
.....Name Name of terminal where flight is arriving at.
...MarketingCarrier Marketing specific flight details, does not have to be identical with operation specific details.
....AirlineID 2-letter IATA airline code.
....FlightNumber Flight number of the marketing carrier.
...OperatingCarrier Operating specific flight details, does not have to be identical with marketing specific details.
....AirlineID 2-letter IATA airline code.
....FlightNumber Flight number of the operating carrier.
...Equipment Type of aircraft operating this flight.
....AircraftCode 3-character IATA aircraft code.
....OnBoardEquipment Holds on--board entertainment information for this flight
.....InflightEntertainment Indicates whether an in-flight entertainment system is available on this flight
.....Compartment Indicates the cabin class, description, In-flight Amenities ( Flynet, USB, Seat Power,LiveTv)
......ClassCode cabin class or compartment class code (F - FirstClass ,C- Business Class,E - PremiumEconomy ,Y - Economy)
......ClassDesc cabin class descrption (F - FirstClass ,C- Business Class,E - PremiumEconomy ,Y - Economy)
......FlyNet Indicates whether Lufthansa FlyNet is available on this flight
......SeatPower Indicates whether Lufthansa SeatPower is available on this flight
......Usb Indicates whether Lufthansa USB is available on this flight
......LiveTv Indicates whether Lufthansa Live TV is available on this flight
...Details Details of this flight’s schedule.
....Stops Stops that this flight does between place of departure and place of arrival.
.....StopQuantity Actual number of stops.

List of week days when this flight is operated:

Day number Day name
1 Monday
2 Tuesday
3 Wednesday
4 Thursday
5 Friday
6 Saturday
7 Sunday
....DatePeriod Time period of when this flight is operating.
.....Effective Date when this flight starts operating Format: yyyy-MM-dd.
.....Expiration Date when this flight stops operating Format: yyyy-MM-dd.
.Meta Element containing meta data.
Element specifying links.
@Href Link to actual a resource.
@Rel Specifying kind of link such as ‘self’ (link that returned this response), ‘alternate’ (link that points to another resource) or ‘related’ (link that points to related resource).

Response Example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <Meta Version="1.0.0">
    <Link Href="https://api.lufthansa.com/v2/operations/schedules/FRA/JFK/2017-07-05?directFlights=1" Rel="self"/>
    <Link Href="https://api.lufthansa.com/v2/operations/schedules/FRA/JFK/2017-07-04?directFlights=1&amp;offset=0&amp;limit=20" Rel="previousRange"/>
    <Link Href="https://api.lufthansa.com/v2/operations/schedules/FRA/JFK/2017-07-05?directFlights=1&amp;offset=20&amp;limit=20" Rel="next"/>
    <Link Href="https://api.lufthansa.com/v2/operations/schedules/FRA/JFK/2017-07-05T17:10?directFlights=1&amp;offset=0&amp;limit=20" Rel="nextRange"/>
    <Link Href="https://api.lufthansa.com/v1/mds-references/airports/{airportCode}" Rel="related"/>
    <Link Href="https://api.lufthansa.com/v1/mds-references/aircraft/{aircraftCode}" Rel="related"/>

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