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The lounges resource returns information either for all available lounges or a specific lounge at a given airport or city, depending on the provided input parameters.

You must specify the airport or city code in the request. The list of returned lounges may be limited by optional parameters either cabinClass or tierCode, however you cannot specify both at the same time. The following table provides a list of possible values. When the cabinClass and tierCode are omitted, the full list of lounges for a specific airport or city will be returned. There is also an option to limit the response to a given language by specifying the optional lang parameter. Not all languages are available for all lounges but these codes are always supported; en.

This API might not always reflect the latest status of the Lounge offering and data is provided without warranty. 

Request URI

Code snippet: Call

GET /offers/lounges/{code}[?][cabinClass={cabinClassCode}|tierCode={tierCode}][&][lang={languageCode}]
Variable Description Format
{code} The IATA airport code or city code.
3-letter IATA code, e.g. "ZRH", "JFK"
cabinClass The cabin class code. The most common values are: 'F' (First), 'C' (Business), 'E' (Premium Economy) and 'M' (Economy). 1-letter IATA code, e.g. "F", "C", "E", "M".
tierCode The frequent traveller tier level access code. The common values are: 'HON' (Honour), 'SEN' (Senator), 'FTL' (Frequent Traveller) and 'SGC' (Star Alliance Gold Card).
3-letter lounge access code, e.g. "HON", "SEN", "FTL", "SGC"

Request Examples

Code snippet: Call

GET /offers/lounges/FRA?cabinClass=E
GET /offers/lounges/FRA?tierCode=SEN&lang=de

Response Structure Definition

Key Description
LoungeResource Root element of the lounges response.
.Lounges Container for lounge elements.
..Lounge[] Array: Details of the lounge.
...Names Container for lounge names.
....Name[] Array: language-specific name of the lounge.
@LanguageCode 2-letter ISO 639-1 language code for the corresponding item.
...AirportCode 3-letter IATA code of the airport.
...CityCode 3-letter IATA code of the city.
...Locations Container for the lounge locations.
....Location[] Array: language-specific description of the location of the lounge.
@LanguageCode 2-letter ISO 639-1 language code for the corresponding item.
...OpeningHours Opening hours described in language-specific terms.
@LanguageCode 2-letter ISO 639-1 language code for the corresponding item.
...Features Container for boolean elements that specify availability of various lounge facilities.
....NonSmokingLounge Boolean value to indicate whether the lounge is non-smoking.
....Restrooms Boolean value to indicate whether restrooms are available in the lounge.
....ShowerFacilities Boolean value to indicate whether shower facilities are available in the lounge.
....RelaxingRooms Boolean value to indicate whether the lounge has relaxing rooms.
....MeetingRooms Boolean value to indicate whether the lounge has meeting rooms.
....OfficeUnits Boolean value to indicate whether the lounge has office units.
....CopyMachine Boolean value to indicate whether the lounge has a copy machine.
....FaxMachine Boolean value to indicate whether a fax-machine is available in the lounge.
....MAMPrinter Boolean value to indicate whether the lounge has a 'Miles & More' printer in the lounge.
....CreditCardTelephone Boolean value to indicate whether a credit card telephone is available in the lounge.
....FreeLocalTelephoneCalls Boolean value to indicate whether free local telephone calls are available in the lounge.
....PCWithInternetAccess Boolean value to indicate whether a PC's with internet access are available in the lounge.
....DataPortForLaptops Boolean value to indicate whether a dataports for laptops are available in the lounge.
....WLANFacility Boolean value to indicate whether WLAN is available in the lounge.
....TV Boolean value to indicate whether a TV is available in the lounge.
...MagazineAndNews Container for boolean elements that specify availability of magazines and newspaper in various languages.
....German Boolean value to indicate whether German magazines are available in the lounge.
....International Boolean value to indicate whether international magazines are available in the lounge.
....Local Boolean value to indicate whether local magazines are available in the lounge.
.Meta Container for meta links.
..Link[] Element specifying links.
@Href Link to actual a resource.
@Rel Specifying kind of link such as ‘self’ (link that returned this response), ‘alternate’ (link that points to another resource) or ‘related’ (link that points to related resource).

Response Example

            <Name LanguageCode="de">Thai Royal Silk Lounge</Name>
            <Name LanguageCode="en">Thai Royal Silk Lounge</Name>
            <Location LanguageCode="de">Thai Royal Silk Lounge: Abflugsbereich C, Ebene 3, in der Nähe von Gate C1, auf der linken Seite</Location>
            <Location LanguageCode="en">Thai Royal Silk Lounge: Concourse C, 3rd floor, near gate C1, left side</Location>
            <OpeningHours LanguageCode="de">05:00 - 02:00 Uhr</OpeningHours>
            <OpeningHours LanguageCode="en">05:00 am - 02:00 am</OpeningHours>
   <Meta Version="1.0.0">
      <Link Href="https://api-test.lufthansa.com/v1/references/lounges/BKK" Rel="self"/>
      <Link Href="https://api-test.lufthansa.com/v1/references/airports/BKK" Rel="related"/>
      <Link Href="https://api-test.lufthansa.com/v1/references/cities/BKK" Rel="related"/>

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