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The OND resource provides access to origin and destination airline route information. You can search all existing routes beween cities and coutries or search top routes per market. Additionally, new routes or recently retired routes may be retrieved.

The API provides three related methods

Search Routes

Provides an overview of all available connections between cities and countries.

Request URI

Code snippet: URL

Variable Description Format
{origin} The departure city. 3-letter IATA code, e.g. “FRA”.
{destination} The arrival city. 3-letter IATA code, e.g. "NYC".

Request Examples

Search all connections between an origin city and destination city


Search all connections between two countries


Search all connections between an origin city and a destination country


Search all connections between an origin country and a destination city


Search all connections between an origin country and all destinations


Search Top OND

Search for Top ONDs per country or across all countries. Top ONDs represent routes with the highest ticket sales. The top 10 connections (sorted ramdomly) will be returned.

Request URI

Code snippet: URL

Variable Description Format
{country} origin country 2-letter IATA country code, e.g. “de”.

Request Examples

Search top routes from origin country Germany (de)

Code snippet: URL


Search top routes across all countries (markets)

Code snippet: URL


Search Route Status

Search for newly added or recently retired connections. You may search for new only or deleted only or both.

Request URI

Code snippet: URL

Variable Description Format
{new-routes} Fares catalogue to be searched 2-character IATA airline designator code.
{old-routes} The departure airport. 3-letter IATA code, e.g. “FRA”.

Request Examples

Search new routes only


Search old routes only


Search old and new routes


Note: searching new-routes=false & old-routes=false is not possible

Response Structure Definition

Origin and Destination records are grouped per requested carrier.

Key Description
getONDResponse Root element of the OND response.
.ONDResponse Contains OND message response.
..Carriers Groups the OND data by Carrier.
...Carrier Carrier for which the OND data applies
...Code Carrier IATA two letter code
....ONDList Holds all OND records
.....OND Holds information related to one specific OND record
......Origin Origin city
......OriginCountrCode Origin country
......Destination Destination city
......DestinationCountryCode Destination country
......NewONDIndicator Indicates if the record is new (can be 'true' or 'false')
......DeletedONDIndicator Indicates if the record has been deleted (can be 'true' or 'false)
......TopONDIndicator Indicates if the OND is a Top OND
.Meta Element containing meta data
..Version version number
..Link Element specifying links
...Href link to actual resource
...Rel Specifying kind of link such as ‘self’ (link that returned this response), ‘alternate’ (link that points to another resource) or ‘related’ (link that points to related resource).

Response Example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <Carrier code="LH">
  <Meta Version="1.0.0">
    <Link Href="https://api-test.lufthansa.com/ond_v1.0.0/route/ZRH/FRA" Rel="self"/>

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