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Flight Status at Departure Airport

Retrieve the status of all flights departing from a specific airport within a given time range. The permitted range is from yesterday until 5 days in the future. At most 80 flights will be returned. It supports cargo or passenger or both flight types, by default it provides passenger flights only.

Request URI

Code snippet: Call

GET /operations/flightstatus/departures/{airportCode}/{fromDateTime}?serviceType={serviceType}
Variable Description Format
{airportCode} Retrieve the status of flights departing this airport. 3 letter IATA airport code, e.g. “FRA”
{fromDateTime} Retrieve flights departing after this time. yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm
{serviceType} optional - ServiceType to retrieve cargo or passenger or both flights. default - passenger.  enum: {all, passenger, cargo}
limit Query parameter: the number of items to return (page size) integer (max 100)
offset Query parameter: the index of the item with which this result set should begin integer

Example Request

Code snippet: Call

GET /operations/flightstatus/departures/FRA/2016-12-20T08:00

Response Structure

Please see Flight Status Response

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