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Customer Flight Information Response

Response Structure Definition

FlightInformation Root element of flight information response.
..Flight[] (or) ..Flight 1 – n flights matching the request. (in case of single flight in response, "Flight" is object, not array)
...Departure Information on departure of the flight.
....AirportCode 3 letter IATA airport code of the place of origin, e.g. “FRA”.
.....Date Scheduled Date of departure in local time of the departure airport.
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
.....Time Scheduled Time of departure in local time of the departure airport.
Format: HH:mm
.....DateTime Scheduled Date Time of departure in UTC time of the departure airport.
Format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm.
.....Date Estimated Date of departure in local time of the departure airport.
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Estimated Time of departure in local time of the departure airport.
Format: HH:mm
.....DateTime Estimated time of departure in UTC time of the departure airport.
Format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm.
.....Date Actual Date of departure in local time of the departure airport.
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
.....Time Actual Time of departure in local time of the departure airport.
Format: HH:mm
.....DateTime Actual time of departure in UTC time of the departure airport.
Format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm.
.....Name Name of the departure terminal.
.....Gate Gate where flight is departing from, e.g. “T02”.
....Status Departure time-related status of this flight.
.....Code Time status code, possible values:
FE = Flight Early
NI = Flight Next Information
OT = Flight On Time
DL = Flight Delayed
DP = Flight Departed
NO = No Status
.....Description Long description of the time status. See above.
Information on arrival of the flight.
3 letter IATA airport code of the place of destination.

Scheduled Date of arrival in local time of the arrival airport.
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Scheduled Time of arrival in local time of the arrival airport.
Format: HH:mm
.....DateTime Scheduled Date Time of arrival in UTC time of the departure airport.
Format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm.
.....Date Estimated Date of arrival in local time of the arrival airport.
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
.....Time Estimated Time of arrival in local time of the arrival airport.
Format: HH:mm
Estimated Date Time of arrival in UTC time of the departure airport.
Format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm.

Actual Date of arrival in local time of the arrival airport.
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Actual Time of arrival in local time of the arrival airport.
Format: HH:mm
.....DateTime Actual Date Time of arrival in UTC time of the departure airport.
Format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm.

Name of the arrival terminal.
Gate where flight will arrive, e.g. “T02”.
Arrival time-related status of this flight.
Time status code, possible values:
FE = Flight Early
OT = Flight On Time
DL = Flight Delayed
LD = Flight Landed
NO = No Status
Long description of the time status. See above.
...MarketingCarrierList Contains list of Marketing Carriers, could be 1-N
....MarketingCarrier Marketing specific flight details, does not have to be identical with operation specific details.
.....AirlineID 2 letter IATA airline code, e.g. “LH”.
.....FlightNumber Numeric marketing flight number, e.g. “400”.
...OperatingCarrier Operating specific flight details, does not have to be identical with marketing specific details.
....AirlineID 2-letter IATA airline code.
....FlightNumber Numeric operating flight number, e.g. “500”.
...Equipment Type of aircraft operating this flight.
....AircraftCode 3 character IATA aircraft code.
...Status Overall status of this flight.
FlightStatus NA will be shown in case no other flight status is available.
FlightStatus LD is only available in case 'ActualTime...' with the arrival airport is set.
FlightStatus DP is only available in case 'ActualTime...' with the departure airport is set.
FlightStatus CD and RT will be shown, in case the flight is cancelled resp. rerouted.
....Code Flight status code, possible values:
CD = Flight Cancelled
DP = Flight Departed
LD = Flight Landed
RT = Flight Rerouted
DV = Flight Diverted
HD = Flight Heavy Delay
FE = Flight Early
DL = Flight Delayed
OT = Flight On Time
NI = Flight Next Information
NA = No Status
....Description Long description of the flight status. See above.

Response Example

Code snippet: XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FlightInformation xmlns="https://developer.lufthansa.com/v1/CustomerFlightInformation">
					<Description>Flight On Time</Description>
					<Description>Flight On Time</Description>
				<Description>No status</Description>
	<Meta Version="1.0.0" xmlns="https://developer.lufthansa.com/v1.2/metalinks">
		<Link Href="https://api-test.lufthansa.com/v1/operations/customerflightinformation/LH4282/2018-09-19" Rel="self"/>
		<Link Href="https://api-test.lufthansa.com/v1/references/airports/{airportCode}" Rel="related"/>

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