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BestPrice Lowest Fares

The BestPrice Lowest Fare resource retrieves the lowest fares for a specific origin & destination pair on a given date. The available airlines are the same as you find them on LH.com.

Provide the origin, destination, desired travel date & return date in order to perform a fare search.

  • Only return fares search query is supported.
  • The number and type of travelers always '1' eg: (adult=1). Please note that currently, bestprice lowestfares are provided for one adult only.
  • You may search all cabin-classes (economy, premium economy, business, first). default cabin class is economy.

Please be aware, that the currency of the offer is determined by your origin airport/city and the respective country e.g.: Origin HND - Tokyo - will result in a YEN based response offer. 

For details on how to create a deep link for Lufthansa please click here.

Request URI

Variable Description Format
{origin} The departure airport. 3-letter city code/IATA code, e.g. “FRA”.
{destination} The arrival airport. 3-letter city code/ IATA code, e.g. "JFK" or NYC
{travel-date} Outbound travel date yyyy-MM-dd. e.g. '2017-10-27'
{return-date} Return travel date yyyy-MM-dd e.g. '2017-11-09''
{cabin-class} Cabin Class Code Cabin class: 'economy, 'premium_economy', 'business', 'first'
{travelers} Number of passengers of the corresponding type Two digit number
always single adult : (adult=1)
{country} Country Code 2 letter country code e.g. "DE"

Request Examples

Return Fare Search

Code snippet: URL
/v1/offers/faresbestprice/lowestfares?origin=FRA&destination=LHR&travel-date=2016-10-27&return-date=2016-11-09&cabin-class=Economy&travelers=(adult=1)&country=deResponse Structure Definition

Click here for further information on the response structure.

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